I suppose it's just a part of life that in a new country, one must take a driving test. I am not so sure driving is something I would like to do here, but, I think there will be times it's necessary, sooooooo....
I had to take a test. Not just one test, but so far two. There is a whole lot of hurry up and wait around here, oh, and take a number. They like that a lot!
So last week, I took an eye test. Since I passed the eye test, they would then allow me to schedule the written test. This morning I passed the written test, and had to take another number. I had no idea what for, but, now I know it was to schedule the actual driving part of the test that I will take next Sunday morning at 6:30am.
You read that right. It's weird that Sunday is the beginning of the work week here.
As I sat in the waiting area that was specifically for women, I found so many of these precious women were scared they weren't going to pass. The lady sitting next to me was shaking, uncontrollably and making all our seats on the front row wiggle as we waited for them to call us to take the test. She had her face buried in her hands. She was truly afraid of this test. I sat there thinking, hmmm, should I be worried, (because I wasn't) is it hard, or am I doomed to fail? A lady sitting behind me spoke of a woman that took 9 times to pass this part of the test. I continued to look around and wonder if I was crazy for not being worried about this test, as they finally called for our group to go in the room for testing.
6 minutes later, I emerged from the room victorious and sat to wait, yet again for my paperwork. Being one of the first out of the room gives the opportunity to see the reactions and expressions of each woman as she came out of the room. It was funny to see their faces, their excitement and their relief. It seemed ours was a passing class, and the woman that was shaking uncontrollably before the test wore a look of relief when the door shut behind her. :)
Next stop, Driving. It's madness here, but, lucky for me, I drive at 6:30 in the morning. I think I will be okay.
Living in a new country is proving to be quite interesting, and even more so, an adventure.
What an experience!
Carys's Seventh Birthday :: Star Wars
6 years ago