The days are long and the years are short.
That's how the saying goes, and for the most part it's a pretty true statement. How the years rush by like a comet zipping through the sky, and the days that seem endless turn into a blur of seasons that pass without warning in the blink of an eye.
It happens without fail, day after day and year after year, leaving me wondering, if it's possible to go any faster than it already has.
Then it happens, and the little's aren't quite as little as they once were, and you realize how quickly it happened; that what will seem like no time at all, they will be grown and leaving the nest.
The summer brings sunshine and heat like nothing we've experienced anywhere else, but with that comes the dawn of two L'il nuggets birthdays, giving way to a new world void of babyhood, and toddlerisms and into a land of rowdy youngsters, eager to learn and assert more independence than any of us are ready for.
She is a delight! Full of soooooo much life and wonder in everything she does. She is LOUD. Something I find rather frustrating at times, as it seems she knows one volume, and that is yelling everything at the top of her lungs. (So thankful for those beautiful working lungs, but she could tone it down a bit. LOL) Volume control is a daily topic around here. She is funny, a great big sister, and wants to learn all there is to know around her. She continues to bring our family so much joy!
Then there is this little guy:
This one, oh my! Are we in for a ride with him! First of all, he's hilarious! And now, he is 3! Gracious, that also happened very fast! He is also loud. Good times in this house! He is a happy little guy with a great love of milk, with his daily declaration of, "me loves my milk!" Yes, I know, he needs a little help in the grammar department, but I do know he's not leaving for college referring to himself and whatever he likes as "me like that, mom!" He's super smart, takes things apart, is STILL a button pusher, (much to my dismay, at times) loves to get his haircut with his Daddy, likes to go places and do things, and makes us laugh with his daily Asherisms. He's all boy, and tackles and wrestles his Daddy on a daily basis. Growling as he talks and says I love you is commonplace with this one. The happiest boy I know, and still blessing us on our journey, every day. What a boy!
What a great gift these two L'il Nuggets have been to us. Sadly though, these precious days are quickly passing us by, and before we know it, they will no longer be these little precious pies we so easily tote around in our arms.
It's hard to believe the distinct differences in where we are in our parenting journey. 3 big kids, 2 well on their way into the throws of adulthood, and another knocking on that door after one more year of High School. I can say without hesitation, I didn't think it would happen so fast. So, we are doing all we can to take each moment in and savor it, in an attempt to hang on as the days and years fly so quickly by.
Blessed, beyond measure.