We are so glad the weather has become so nice. I was skeptical that it would happen, and although it took a while, it's pretty good. With the amazing weather has come fun outings of good times, laughter, and exploration.
I didn't get any great pictures, but I did get some okay looking ones to share. Still haven't been able to figure out the problem with my phone camera, and it leaves me quite disappointed. Here though in some blurry glory are a few fun adventures we had this weekend.
The little ones hat cracks me up. They are good at keeping their hats on to protect their faces, as well as their sunglasses.
We got there somewhat early, but they close up for several hours in the middle of the day only to re-open later. This is what a bit of the Souq looks like closed up. It was actually quite nice to walk around even after things closed.
We also found a pretty great little place to grab a breakfast sandwhich/rollup thingy, that the we all quite enjoyed. No pictures of that, but it's a place we will be sure to return to frequently. It was good, and really cheap! Bonus!
This is what you get after strolling around for a bit. He was zonked. His radar detector was on high sensitivity as we made it back to the chasing of the birds and was bright eyed and bushy tailed once again as he ran and reached his arms out and up to catch the birds. :) He's getting rather large, from the looks of this picture.
Someone was a very good salesman and started giving our youngest daughter presents, in order to get us to buy. Well played, sir. It worked. Anyhow, this is supposedly a decorative Arabic way to write her name, inside of a neat box that had a necklace just for her.
No Christmas tree would be complete without a little local flair, so we got an ornament with a camel on it. Actually, we got two.
After returning home from a fun filled day that also included making a trip to find a capo for my new guitar, we settled the kids, and rested for a bit, before the parents decided it was time for a little us time. We went on a date, to celebrate our birthdays.
We tried out a new restaurant. It was okay. Actually, had we stopped at the appetizer and salad we would have been perfectly happy, as the main course was just, eh. It was still a great time out, and the weather was amazing for sitting outside near the beach. This view was pretty, the picture does it zero justice.
We relaxed in lounge chairs by the beach after dinner, and laughed a bit as we enjoyed the quiet and cool evening. I got to wear my big girl shoes, and didn't have to chase any toddlers to try to get them to eat their dinner, and no one cried that they "didn't like it".
Heavenly! :) While I do enjoy even those crazy moments, it's sure nice to be still at times.
These are our last days in our 30's. I wish I could say our 30's were all lovely and wonderful. Truth is, life isn't like that, and in the memories we have the good, the bad, and the ugly, mixed in with the joyous, happy and laughter filled days. The good times can be a challenge to remember when life gets hard, but we try to find it, remember it, and embrace it.
While it feels like I blinked and arrived here at this age, it also seems ages ago that we turned 30.
Life is weird.
We are good at being weird together. Happy Birthday, to us!