You've heard me talk of my grocery shopping experiences as of late. I've found alternatives for some things, and other things I've improvised, while missing other things all together.
That's when Christmas came to my house and delivered many, many things that make my heart smile, and my tummy happy.

Thanking my hubby for bring home this loot! There was more that was not kitchen related, and a few things in the pile that were requested of our teenager and toddlers. Suckers for instance, are a great way to distract little ones from long lines, the occasional time filler when we are occupied, and are wonderful when traveling, so this bag of dum-dums should last a while. Teenager requested poptarts and allergy pills. She is very allergic to cats, and as you all know, she rescued one recently and is happily paying the price of her allergy, and now happily taking allergy pills in hopes that it will help her enjoy the kitty even more. Vitamins for the kids, and spices, canned pumpkin, chocolate chips galore, (for my holiday baking endeavors) a special type of tea that is difficult to find here, and last but not least a few that are special to my heart....Corn tortillas, salsa verde, and real VANILLA!
So, as I said, it felt like a great big present as we unloaded the suitcase full of goods and necessities that had the kids squealing with excitement at their new books, crayons and coloring books, and even special toothbrushes. Christmas came early for us! So fun!
This weekend I will host a dinner party. I will use tortillas for sure! So excited! :)