Isn't life a journey of learning that never ends?
I suppose it should be, if we are wise enough to realize that there is more to be learned, then there is a whole world to open our eyes to that we have yet to see, and new things to know and experience.
If there is one thing to say about our journey thus far, it's that we are constantly learning new and amazing things, and finding the world to be soooooooo much bigger than we could have known. What is most amazing to me about our new journey is the inspiring worship and fellowship of many nations coming together to gather and declare the awesomeness of God. I cannot even come close to explaining or describing what it is like or how amazing it is, other than to say, it's like nothing I've ever seen before. It is truly awesome. If we are here for nothing else other than to experience this, then it was more than worth the move. We are learning more about what multicultural ministry really is, or what it can be. I wish you were here to experience this so you could see with your own eyes, and feel what my heart feels each time we gather. Wishing more than anything, my two oldest kiddos were here with us to see this, too. They would love it!
So, since Mom and Dad are learning new things, it would only be right to assume that the littles and the teenager are also learning. Some of us are much more receptive than others, but these little stinkers of mine, are eating anything and everything up that they can learn.
Yesterday the 4 year old was teaching the 2 year old by having him repeat words after she would say them. Two specific words caught my attention as he repeated them back, very seriously.
Can you say, octopus? Gawkgapus
Can you say, strawberry? Sickobewry
Cutest thing I've heard in a while. We've been working on L sounds with our 4 year old, as her L's have sounded very much like Y's for quite some time.
So, she was yiking things instead of liking them, and she was doing things yater instead of later. It was cute, but clearly, it was time to yearn.... I mean learn how to say it correctly. :) She's got it down now, but has to be reminded on occasion. Next to work on R sounds. That one will prove to be a bit harder to teach her, but she wants to learn how to say her yetters...oops, letters, right. Haha.
They are cute, and fun, and mostly busy. They soak up life and everything we are teaching them like sponges.
It reminds me to be more like them. We should never feel we have arrived, and have all the answers. If we do, we stand to miss out on too many experiences and waste a life that was meant to be bigger than the 4 walls, or phones in front of our faces.
Take a look around you, and take it all in, see the faces, hear the sounds, feel what others feel, learn, and seek why God has you where you are in that moment, in every moment.
Take it all in, and let yourself be a sponge, much like a child. Never lose your wonder.
Carys's Seventh Birthday :: Star Wars
6 years ago