Lately my life has consisted of selling things. Big things, little things, meaningless things, things that take up space, and things that make spaces pretty.
The big things I speak of are houses. Two to be exact. One closed, and one in the pending phase with an inspection on the horizon. It's been busy around here. I feel a relief for one being done, and a bit of a frantic frenzy is about to bestow upon me for what I must accomplish before this part is complete. I must store things, re-home things, ship things, pack things, paint things, wrangle little things, direct a certain big thing after a big graduation type thing, and finally, the final giant, huge thing, that whole move across the world thing. No biggy, it's just another day in the life of me. I think I've got this. (I hope I've got this.)
Houses sold! Well one officially, and the other in progress. The only debt we had were our homes, so we are free of all that burden. That feels pretty great!
Looking forward to big things in our new adventure, and praying all the "things" that need doing fall into place with ease, safety, and with an extra dose of sanity to help me over the hump in front of me.
It's all good things.
Carys's Seventh Birthday :: Star Wars
6 years ago