What a Year!
It's been a year full of ups, downs and lots of learning. There have been days I've longed for home, and days we have also been quite content. We've lived a lot of life through our watchful eyes in wonder and sadness, with love and understanding, and have learned to offer an abundance of grace as we have received the same.
A year of major growth in many areas of our life...We've been stretched. Our children have really been stretched and we've all experienced some major growing pains. Such is life, I suppose. What would our journey really be without growth and change.
The kids (3 of them at least.) and I had officially been here one year with the start of the month. It's been hard on my mama heart to leave 2 behind, and be so far away, and I hate to say it, but we haven't always done it as well as we all hoped. All in all though, our experiences here in the desert have been good, and we've come to love and understand this region of the world in a way we never could have, had we not been here to experience it for ourselves.
The biggest thing I've learned in all of this: We all have the same hopes and dreams for our children, families and futures. We all want our kids to be kind, and accept others. Though we have different faith, it's equally as important to them as my faith is to me, and what the media portrays of both sides, it's radicalism, and nothing more. I have learned more about myself during this journey, most of it good, and some of it revealing my tendency to worry, especially for my children; it's something I am working on, as I well know, no amount of worry can change whatever may come. My eyes have been opened to deep hurts and concerns that we hadn't yet faced head on this past 6 years as we waded through a process of grief that constantly shifts each day. The sadness and weight of hurt that burdened our kids hearts just as deeply as ours that are now manifesting in ways that have left us ill prepared to handle, at times.
We are still a work in progress, and just like everyone on this planet, have things we must continue to work on, to better ourselves to be the best version of who we were created to be.
My post may seem heavy, and as I write this, I do feel a burden of heaviness that flows from my thoughts. We've come so far, and yet, I know there is much more journey ahead with mountains to climb, valleys that will feel endless, and still waters that will bring calm our souls. Each day we embrace for the gift it is; a new start, a new day to forge ahead with purpose, hope and eyes that are open to see clearly the hearts of those all around us.
It's been a hot and uneventful summer. My thoughts have been filled with days of searching for purpose in our journey, and each day has become more clear to me as I seek and pray for answers. We are blessed beyond measure, and so grateful for every new day, to become better than who we were the day before.
Learning to revel in the little things as the days pass by...
Today's little wonder: Little voices filling our home as play and laughter fill our home.
And here we are, adding to the next day that will become a part of the next year, that I will do all I can to learn from and remember the important things , so nothing may be wasted.
A year in the desert.
Carys's Seventh Birthday :: Star Wars
6 years ago